Achieving sustainable development goals is a fundamental part of business growth. Nowadays, it has become clear that no company can ignore global warming or increasing inequalities in the world. For example, if nothing is done, climate change will disrupt all of the Earth’s biomes, which will have unfathomable consequences on companies’ activities. This is why businesses have started to hire professionals who can implement internal solutions to answer those challenges.
After your MBA International Sustainable Developement, you can start working for any kind of company, in your home country or abroad. Aside from international businesses, you may also find a job in structures such as consulting agencies, governments or NGOs. There are a lot of different missions in this sector, such as improving internal processes to reduce their environmental impact, finding reliable international partners whose activities respect human rights and the environment.
The need for businesses to embrace this new paradigm still needs to be improved. Global warming and pollution in general require strong and fast actions as soon as possible. By following this MBA, you will be in a position to bring radical changes to your companies’ activities.
Your career prospects can be divided between those that are directly related to sustainable development and jobs that aren’t but need to take it into account in their daily activities.
For more information, go to the page : Intégrer 3A
There are no bridges or equivalences for this qualification.
The master’s thesis includes operational recommendations for the development of projects or activities with an international scope. It must also show the impact on the strategic development of the organization.
For each year of admission, you must submit an online application on our 3A website and take written and oral exams.
Entrance exam registration fee: 45€. (Exam fees are refunded in the event of signing an apprenticeship or professional training contract.)
Course fees for the start of the 2025 academic year:
VAE training and eligible for CPF (Compte personnel de Formation).
Possibility of validating one or more blocks of skills.
*Price net of VAT if 100% self-financing. In all other cases (e.g.: CPF, Pôle Emploi, Entreprise, Région...), the price will be subject to VAT (20%).
- Success rate (class of 2024): 89% (Apprentices 83%)
- Continuation rate (class 2022): 2.4% on 6 month (Apprentices %)
- Professional integration rate (class 2022): 89% on 6 month (Apprentices 88%)
- Occupational integration rate (class 2022): 76% (Apprentices 66%)
- Interruption rate (class 2023): 3.4% (Apprentices 4%)
- Satisfaction rate (class 2023): 75.80% (apprentices 79.20%)
Data on campus indicators is available on request.
Level 7 professional qualification ‘Manager of national and international projects for organisations’ registered on the RNCP under number 39386 by decision of the Director General of France Compétences dated 19/07/2024, awarded by APTIM, NSF code 310. Lien vers la fiche RNCP
Registration in the National Register of Professional Certifications (RNCP) allows a professional certification to be placed within the European scale of training levels.
This registration is decided by a France Compétences commission, an organization of the Ministry of Labor.
For more information, you can visit the website France Compétences.
Integration into professional life.
Soucieuse de promouvoir et développer des formations à destination des personnes en situation de handicap, l’Ecole 3A s’engage dans cette démarche :
Contacts des référents handicap
Campus de Lyon
Campus de Toulouse
Campus de Rennes
Campus de Paris
Campus de Bordeaux
MBA International Sustainable Development